Big Kid

Is Eating Eggs Good for Children?

Many parents would openly debate on the benefits and the drawbacks of serving eggs to their kids. Stating proven and technical egg facts for kids becomes important here so that the next time you serve eggs to your kids, you know whether it is good for them or not!


Nutritional Value of Eggs

100 grams of eggs contain the following nutrients in the specified amounts.

Nutrients Quantity per 100 g
Protein 12.56 g
Carbohydrates 0.72 g
Cholesterol 372 mg
Water 76.15 g
Sugar 0.37 g
Iron 1.75 mg
Sodium 142 mg
Folate 0.047 mg
Niacin 0.075 mg
Zinc 1.29 mg
Calcium 56 mg
Magnesium 12 mg
Riboflavin 0.457 mg
Vitamin A 0.16 mg
Vitamin D 0.002 mg
Vitamin K 0.003 mg
Vitamin E 1.05 mg
Vitamin B-6 0.170 mg
Vitamin B-12 0.009 mg


Various Types of Eggs

Eggs are available in various varieties, some of which include:

  1. Cage-Free Eggs: Cage-free eggs are those eggs that originate from hens that are let free around a specific allotted area where they can roam and lay eggs in self-built nests.
  2. Free-Range Eggs: Free-range eggs are those eggs that originate from hens that are let free in the open for a specific time period of the day.
  3. Organic Eggs: Organic eggs originate from hens that are fed on a vegetarian or organic diet. These hens are generally let in the open rather than being stuck in the cages
  4. Vegetarian Eggs: Vegetarian eggs originate from hens that are strictly fed vegetarian diet, free from any kind of non-vegetarian food. These are different from organic eggs laying hens as in this case hens are not let out in the open as they may consume any worms or insects.
  5. Pasteurized Eggs: Pasteurized eggs are those eggs that are treated before they are sold in the market. These eggs undergo a pasteurization process where the eggs are preheated so that the bacteria get eliminated before anyone consumes them.

Benefits of Eggs for Children

The benefits of serving eggs to children are many, some of which are highlighted below:

  1. Good Protein Value: Protein helps in cell creation as well as recreation and also provides kids with the required energy for their everyday activities.
  2. High in Iron: Iron is required for maintenance of healthy blood cells, boosting a child’s growth and providing oxygen to every part of the body.
  3. Good Brain Development: Eggs contain choline, which in turn help kids in their brain development. Choline helps in boosting learning process and memory, which is an essential part of a child’s growth.
  4. Better Immunity: Eggs contain selenium and zinc, which help in boosting the immune system of a child. Selenium creates free radicals which help in killing harmful bacteria and zinc helps in maintaining the good cells that fight the microorganisms.
  5. Great Source of Vitamins: Eggs contain all types of vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, K, E and also Vitamin B-6 and B-12. Eggs also contain folate, riboflavin, and niacin. All these vitamins help in one way or the other in a child’s growth. Like, Vitamin D is good for bone strength; Vitamin A is known to be good for eyes, vitamin B-6 for boosting brain development and B12 for plummeting anaemia.
  6. The Right Balance of Fats: Eggs contain the right balance of both the saturated and the unsaturated fats, which in turn makes it a perfect food item for kids. Eggs can be provided to kids without any risk of obesity but try serving boiled eggs for kids rather than the fried ones.
  7. Good Cell Maintenance: Eggs contain iron, folate, and protein which all together help in maintaining good cell count, boosts body’s ability to create and recreate cells and also helps in maintaining good cell health.
  8. Easily Digestible: As eggs contain the right balance of fats, it helps in better digestion in kids. Better digestion is important in kids as their system is still in the development phase.
  9. Good Eye Health: Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin which helps in sustaining good eyesight and also helps in safeguarding eyes against the harmful UV rays.
  10. Less Sugar Content: Eggs are known to be free of sugar and thus, is a delicious option that helps in reducing sugar content in the blood system.

How Many Eggs Can a Child Eat in a Week?

When talking about how many eggs a child can eat per day, one egg would be more than enough to be on a healthier and a safer side. Research has shown that excessive consumption of eggs leads to cardiovascular diseases.

Can a Child Eat Raw Egg?

A child should never be served raw eggs or even partial cooked eggs as it may carry a lot of diseases along with it due to high bacteria content in them.

Can Egg Cause Salmonella Poisoning in Children?

Eggs should never be eaten uncooked as they carry a risk of salmonella poisoning. Although people overcome such poisoning naturally, kids don’t, as kids have a weak immune system.

Precautions to Take while Giving Eggs to Kids

Precautions to take while serving eggs to kids include:

  • Serve only fresh eggs
  • Fully cook or boil the egg before serving to a kid
  • Consult a doctor before serving eggs to your kids, in case you have a history of allergies

Like any other food item, eggs should be consumed in moderation. As pointed out, excessive egg consumption can lead to heart problems. However, the benefits of a strong immune system and brain developmental properties make it a worthy option.

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