Getting Pregnant

Coenzyme Q10 for Fertility – Importance, Dietary Sources, and Precautions

The administration of CoQ10 is usually recommended to many men and women, attempting to have a child. From improving the health of eggs to boosting sperm count, CoQ10 has been known to have multiple effects, as observed on mice as well as during human trials. Even with IVF, it has been observed that the presence of CoQ10 has made it easier to develop healthier embryos.


What is Coenzyme Q10 and How Does It Work?

Termed as ‘body supplement’, Coenzyme Q10 is used majorly to help with conditions such as soreness of the muscles, migraines, heart-related issues, and so on. It is also used in many cases for correcting infertility as well.


To understand the effects of CoQ10, it is important to know how our body works in the first place. Every cell within the body is powered by the mitochondria, which play a major role in cell division as well as decay. CoQ10 supports these mitochondria in various ways. When it comes to infertility, CoQ10 is vital to keep the eggs in a woman’s body healthy. In case their quantity is on the lower side, the eggs may not hold themselves when they are fertilized. Many women also tend to experience a miscarriage, menopause that occurs quite early in life, as well as infertility.

Do CoQ10 Levels Fall With an Increase in Age?

Before going ahead with figuring out the benefits of Coenzyme Q10 for male fertility, it is necessary to know whether there is a need to take it externally to supplement the levels in the body. Many doctors have found that the CoQ10 levels in our body begin to reduce as we progress in our age.

It is a natural process of our body to experience less energy as we get older. This causes a drop in the energy that can be supplied to certain essential processes within us. If the mitochondria do not power our cells optimally, the cells interpret the signals as a sign of decay and begin to destroy themselves. This is primarily why many older women experience a damage to their eggs or find them to be ineffective.

By intake of CoQ10, our cells would be powered effectively again and result in a probability of better egg health and an overall increase in fertility, too.

How Does CoQ10 Help Male Fertility?

Most of the discussion might have revolved around the betterment of egg health in the ovaries of a woman. However, CoQ10 does help in improving fertility in men, too.

  • The presence of CoQ10 directly impacts the presence of antioxidants within the body. These pretty much act as a defence of sorts, protecting the sperms from oxidative damage and allowing them to thrive.
  • The optimal levels of CoQ10 also help boost the sperm count in a man. Similarly, the motility of the sperms also begins to improve, as a result of developing a proper structure that helps them to propel ahead easily.
  • A lot of environmental factors and lifestyle habits such as exposure to the sun, cigarette smoking, and stressful circumstances can affect the body of a man in different ways. Most of those end up in the release of free radicals in the body, which tend to break down healthy cells all around. CoQ10 helps protect the body from these effects as well.

How Does CoQ10 Help Female Fertility?

With regards to helping women with CoQ10 fertility, egg quality tends to be the major point of focus as the results of its impact. The functioning of CoQ10 itself is the key to making that happen.

  • On a general basis for all humans, the presence of CoQ10 is highly essential as it helps in supplying the energy that is needed by various cells in our body to carry out their respective functions.
  • Age plays a major factor in terms of fertility in women. With the increase in age, the supply and the quality of eggs that are generated within the body begin to dip rapidly. For the eggs to be fertilized successfully, they need to mature up to a certain point so that they can implant successfully and grow into a foetus.
  • A high amount of energy is required for this process, which is derived from ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. This is where CoQ10 comes in. It helps boost the levels of ATP in the body, which provide the energy that is required by the eggs to mature properly.

Food Sources of CoQ10

Most of the CoQ10 is generated by the body itself so there are few external sources that can provide the same to you. The major ones that can help you with it are:

  • Meat products
  • Oily varieties of fish, such as tuna and salmon
  • Meat items, such as liver or sardines
  • Nuts like sesame seeds and pistachios
  • Fruits like strawberries and oranges
  • Leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

CoQ10 Supplements for Fertility

When it comes to supplements, CoQ10 ubiquinol vs ubiquinone are the two options between which you need to choose the one right for you.

Ubiquinol CoQ10 is usually recommended as a better form of the enzyme to be consumed since a smaller dosage of it has the same effect as that of ubiquinone at a higher one. It’s also easier to absorb. Large doses of ubiquinone have been observed to have a better effect, too. But that should only be adhered to if suggested by your doctor or any nutritionist.

How to Know If You Should Take Coq10 Supplements or Not

If your age is beyond 30 or so and your egg health has been determined to be on the lower side, CoQ10 supplements might be recommended to you as a means of correcting the same.

Recommended Daily Dosage

In terms of CoQ10 for fertility, it’s highly important to note how much to take before starting off on a dose of the same. Consult with your doctor for the same.

1. For Men

Men may be advised to take 200 mg of ubiquinol to help boost overall sperm health.

2. For Women

Women are usually advised to take ubiquinol, which is mostly available in doses of 100mg or 200mg based on your health and needs.

Cautionary Tips While Taking CoQ10

Understanding CoQ10 fertility side effects are just as important to keep in mind a few cautionary tips before consuming the enzyme.

  • The enzyme could react with medications used to control your blood pressure.
  • Any treatments such as chemotherapy and glaucoma can interfere with CoQ10 functioning.
  • If you’re undergoing parallel fertility treatments, intake of CoQ10 should require a doctor’s approval.

The CoQ10 fertility success rate may not be as massive as most of the other treatment procedures out there. However, it is one of the natural ways that allows the body to build up its strength and improve fertility from within.

Published by
Anisha Nair