
Baby Travel Checklist – Must Know Essentials to Carry for Your Child

You might be used to travelling light when you roamed around independently. But when a baby is also your companion, the list of items that you need to carry along with you, can seem to increase a thousandfold. Suddenly, every little thing starts becoming important and before you know you have a gigantic list of things to carry while travelling with baby in a train, or even via an aeroplane. In such cases, it’s best to have a quick list handy for you that lists all the baby travel essentials. Combined with that, keeping a few tips in mind will allow you to travel with peace of mind and not worry needlessly.


Things to Carry while Traveling with Your Infant

Here’s what you need to have in your baby travel list.


1. Diapers

Diapers have to be the most important item on your list. Carry one for each hour that you would be travelling, and few more as a contingency plan.

2. Changing Station

Trying to change your baby’s diaper while travelling can easily get out of hand. A small foldable changing station to keep the baby can provide you with ease to dispose the dirty one and replace with a new one.

3. Blankets

Blankets will be used for multiple purposes, right from laying your baby down, to using them as a comforter, to cover your baby or even the window in case of strong sunlight.

4. Disposable Bags

Used diapers, dirty clothes, burped hankies, all need a common place to be in without mixing with the clean stuff. Use bags for those.

5. Nightlight

Your baby will very well relieve itself in the middle of the night. Using a small torch or nightlight helps you change their diapers without disturbing anyone else.

6. First Aid Kit

Carry lotions, creams, pain relievers, and small ointments in case your baby hurts itself during the journey. Being slightly over-prepared brings no harm. Also, carry general purpose medicines for your baby (for common ailments like cough, cold,diarrhoea, colic, etc.).

7. Front Sling

Best way to carry your baby when you are travelling from a station or terminal to another. It keeps your baby close to you and safe while leaving you free to move around with your luggage.

8. Inflatable Bathtub

The place you’re staying may not have the cleanest bathroom or tub for your baby. Carrying an inflatable tub can help quickly set it up and give your baby a nice wash while staying compact in your luggage during travel.

9. Bottled Milk

Either formula or your breast milk, it’s best to carry a spare bottle with you, in case your baby decides to have second thoughts and gets hungry more frequently, or you are in a situation where you cannot breastfeed your baby comfortably.

10. Cosy Hats

While travelling outside, the sun can easily get strong for your baby. Use a nice cutesy hat for them, that allows them to stroll around with you with complete abandon.

11. More Clothes

Yes! The clothes you have in your bag won’t always be enough if your baby ends up dropping something on the clothes or the diaper leaks accidentally. It’s best to have additional clothes on hand for a quick change.

12. Baby Monitor

If you’re heading out for a holiday, you wouldn’t want to be tied up with your baby. As your baby sleeps in the bedroom, you can use the baby monitor and enjoy your juice in the comfort of the room’s balcony.

13. Nail Clippers

It’s best to ensure your baby’s nails are short and clean no matter what. And the clippers could double up as a utility tool if needed as well.

14. Identification

Keep proper IDs for yourself and your baby. Have photos and documents, if any, as proof of paternity and identity.

15. Formula Packets

Rather than relying on stockpiles of food, it’s good to carry formulas with you where you can quickly make them and feed your baby prior to the next trip.

16. Baby Wipes

You will need tons and tons of these for every foreseeable scenario that you can think of. Keeping things hygienic and clean no matter what should always be a priority.

17. Swimsuit

If your baby is of the right age, you can get them a small swimsuit and enjoy time together in the pool with you.

18. Toys

You may be dozing through your journey but your baby can get bored real quick. Carry their favourite soft toy or rattle with them to keep them engaged.

19. Night Clothes

Always keep a pair of easy-to-wear and breathable night clothes that keep your baby snug and comfy when they sleep at night.

20. Dish Soap

If you need to quickly wash any cups or spoons while you’re travelling, this soap will make it easy to keep things clean when you store them.

21. Thermometer

In case your baby falls ill during the journey, taking their temperature and having a quick word with the doctor can help you take action right away.

22. Disinfecting Gel

Instead of running to the basin every time, carry a sanitizer to quickly clean your hands and the baby’s, before tending to them.

23. Pacifier

Your baby may not always be hungry but a pacifier can keep things at bay and give you a silent night of sleep, too.

24. Teething Ring

If your baby is in the chewy phase of their growth, keep the teething ring handy so as to curb those urges to bite everything they see.

25. A Book

Carry a nice illustrated book along with you so that the baby has something to look at that’s interesting during the journey.

Tips to Keep in Mind

  • Prepare in advance and make a list of all the things you’d need to carry.
  • Use a waterproof diaper bag to carry it all.
  • Keep an extra outfit handy at all times.
  • Pack medicines and liquids in separate plastic pouches.
  • Keep each baby clothing item in a separate compartment.
  • Have a travel charger and an extra battery at hand.
  • A nightlight is your best friend during the journey.
  • Keep an emergency phone number on you and the baby at all times.

Travelling is a new experience for the baby and it’s best they get to enjoy it, too. By keeping a few things in mind and ensuring comfort and hygiene at all times, you and your baby can have a wonderful trip and make memories to think back of.

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