Teething in Babies – Signs & Home Remedies

Having a baby is the start of a beautiful journey, marked by several milestones. Every moment is different, and you learn something new with every step. You are new to motherhood, which makes it understandable that you worry about everything that bothers your child. Teething makes babies irritable and consequently worries mums.You may have a lot of people giving you advice on how to deal with your baby’s teething phase, but you may still be on the lookout for a dependable resource for practical advice on how to handle this phase.


Here’s a guide that you can rely upon. You will learn everything from what teething is to home remedies for it. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!


Your baby’s first tooth is one of the many joyous milestones in your journey as a mother. However, this is also one of the many times when the baby is going to be uncomfortable, and you will often need to soothe your child when he is disturbed and cranky.

When Do Babies Start Teething

Every child grows at a unique pace, and there is no definite age at which your child will definitely start teething.

In Which Month Do Babies Get Teeth?

Babies start getting their first teeth when they are between 4 and 7 months old. In very rare cases, a baby starts teething after it is over one-year-old. There have also been cases where the baby’s first tooth was visible at the time of the birth, but both these extremes are very rare.

How Early Can a Baby Start Teething?

Teething generally starts at four months, but your baby may start teething as early as three months too. A baby can even start teething at two months. Babies who start teething early are born with white bumps, known as pre-teeth, visible on their gums. If you see your baby teething at only two or three months of age, don’t fret. It is not abnormal at all.

It is important to note that teeth start developing when the baby is in the womb. In fact, the tooth buds form inside the gums at this point. After the teething process starts and the first tooth comes out, it takes a few months for all the teeth to be visible.

What Teeth Do Babies Get First?

The first teeth that come out are the ones at the bottom. The two teeth along the lower side appear first.

In What Order Do Babies’ Teeth Come?

Here’s the baby teething schedule that you should bear in mind so that you are prepared for the different stages-

  • 4-7 months: Teething begins. First, two bottom teeth start to appear at the same time
  • 8-12 months: The upper middle teeth begin to emerge and become visible
  • 9-16 months: The teeth in the middle start to emerge
  • 13-19 months: The baby gets the first molars along the top and bottom
  • 16-23 months: It is time for the sharp and pointed teeth known as the canines
  • 23-31 months: The second molars along the bottom appear
  • 25-33 months: The second molars along the top appear

By three years, your baby will have around 20 teeth. It is at the age of 4 that the jaw and facial bones grow, thus creating space for permanent teeth to come in.

13 Signs of Teething in Babies

As a mother, you can prepare yourself to notice certain signs of teething, as early as possible. This will allow you to help your baby in time. So, let’s take you through the following thirteen signs of teething that you will notice in your baby.

1. Drooling

Teething tends to stimulate drooling in babies. This is your first sign. It can start off from when babies are ten weeks old. Help your drooling baby stay dry by putting on a bib. Damp clothes will further irritate a baby that is already facing discomfort from teething.

2. Swollen Gums

If you happen to observe red, inflamed gums, this could mean that your baby is teething.A gentle massage with your forefinger on the swollen area may provide some relief.

3. Slight Visibility of a Tooth in the Gums

A faint white-ish mass below your baby’s gum is a good indicator that he is teething.

4. Sullenness

Yet another sign of teething in babies is sullenness. The emerging teeth tend to press along the gums, which can make them uncomfortable and cranky.

5. Fussy at Bedtime

Yes, teething can keep your baby up all night! The discomfort of teething can keep your baby up all night!

6. Ready to Chew

When babies begin teething, they are ready to chew on anything they can lay their hands on.

7. Eating Problems

The discomfort they experience during teething can make them refuse food too.

8. Tugging Ears

Many times tugging ears is a sign of ear-ache but it could also be due to teething in babies.

9. Rashes

Teething can also cause rashes near the face. (Also known as dribble rashes)

10. Crying

The discomfort of teething is unbearable for kids and makes them cry frequently. If you observe that they are crying and cannot figure out the reason, check for other signs of teething to confirm.

11. Cheek Rubbing

Cheeks share the nerve paths to the teeth. These nerves may throb or be tender during the teething phase. This is why babies tend to rub their cheeks.

12. Coughing

Some babies tend to cough mildly when they are teething.

13. Fever

Some babies tend to run a fever when they are teething. If it gets severe, you must check with a doctor.

Do Fever And Diarrhoea Always Accompany Teething?

As a mother, you must have read that there is a connection between teething and fever as well as an upset tummy, and may be wondering if teething is always accompanied by fever and diarrhoea. However, there is no concrete reason to believe that such a connection exists or happens to every teething baby. A lot of babies do experience fever when teething, but several little ones have an easy teething experience too. In the case of diarrhoea, it could be possible that the child is chewing or biting into something that is not clean, causing a gastric issue. It is always a good idea to consult the doctor if fever or diarrhoea persists.

How to Soothe a Teething Baby

There are several ways in which you can soothe your baby, and relieve the discomfort of teething. Let us help you with some handy tips.

Ways to Help a Teething Baby

  • Rub a clean finger along the baby’s gums. This will help soothe the pain.
  • Use a cold washcloth to rub the gum. You can even use a chilled teething ring or a cold spoon to soothe the gums. Make sure nothing you use is frozen.
  • If your baby has started gnawing and is already on solids, you may give them something they can chew on, such as a cucumber.
  • Drooling can cause skin rashes and irritation. Make sure you have a cloth handy to clean the drool, thus preventing irritation.

Teething Pain Relief for Infants

There are some over-the-counter pain relief remedies for teething that you can consider giving your baby. Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen or Advil can help your baby deal with the pain, Motrin for children can also help relieve the pain. It is always a good idea to consult your doctor before you buy these medicines. Also, there are several home remedies for teething babies which can take some stress out of this phase.

  • Give your baby a diet that does not cause inflammation. A wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is a good idea.
  • Ensure that he gets enough rest. A baby who is eating healthy and sleeping well is better equipped to handle the difficult phase of teething.
  • Make sure your baby’s immune system is strong. You can add a vitamin D supplement to the baby’s diet after checking with your paediatrician
  • Make sure you continue breastfeeding, as that will help too!
  • Give the baby frozen washcloths or vegetables to chew on, to help soothe the gums

You can even invest in natural solid wood toys for gnawing.

Late Teething Problems in Babies

There are many reasons why some babies tend to teeth at a later stage. If your baby has not started teething by the time he/she is one-year-old, it could be either hereditary or the result of poor nutrition. Hyperthyroidism can also be a cause of late teething in babies. Visit a paediatrician to know the exact cause for late teething. It is not really a problem you need to be concerned about, but knowing why it is happening will help you deal with the delay.

How to Take Care of Baby Teeth

Make tooth-care a regular part of your baby’s routine even before the teeth begin to emerge. Use a moistened washcloth or a piece of gauze to rub along your baby’s gums twice a day, specifically after feeding, and before laying him down to sleep.When the first tooth comes out, it is time to go shopping for a soft brush with a small head and handle, which will fit comfortably inside your baby’s mouth. Start using fluoride toothpaste only when the baby turns three.

It is always a good idea to visit the dentist once your baby turns 1 year old.

Teething is a major developmental stage for your child. Make sure you handle your baby’s discomfort with patience, and the journey is sure to be an easy one for both of you.

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Published by
Tilottama Chatterjee