
8 Tips on How To Reduce TSH Level During Pregnancy Naturally

Physical change is just one of the things a woman undergoes when she gets pregnant- there are hormonal changes within the body as well, and thyroid-related issues are faced by many women during pregnancy. The increase in weight, mood swings, hair fall, etc. are all signs that your body is not producing the thyroid hormone as much as normally required. This leads to an increase in the TSH levels.


Checking for Thyroid Problems During Pregnancy

Because proper thyroid function is essential for a pregnancy to flourish, pregnant women are advised to undergo thyroid tests to ensure that the levels are optimum. If you are a pregnant woman, consult with your doctor regarding your TSH levels, most importantly if:

  • You have a history of thyroid issues, or if any of your family members have them
  • You are experiencing symptoms of thyroid disfunction such as tiredness, fatigue, unexpected weight fluctuations, and hair fall or loss
  • You have high levels of thyroid antibodies
  • You have a history of infertility, miscarriage, or preterm delivery
  • You have type 1 diabetes

How to Control Thyroid During Pregnancy Naturally

An increase in the level of TSH may lead to multiple health problems in pregnant women, which is why many of them wonder how to reduce thyroid during pregnancy naturally without resorting to medication directly. Here are a few techniques:

1. Primrose Oil

Primrose oil is the first constituent anybody recommends when it comes to setting the TSH levels back to normal in a natural way. This oil is conducive to increasing the quantity of thyroid hormones, which leads to great improvement in women suffering from hypothyroidism. Primrose oil consists of GLAs or gamma linoleic acids – these acids not only combat the lowered levels of thyroid hormones but also indirectly improve loss of hair and reset your menstrual cycle. Furthermore, it has been known to provide relief from inflammation as well.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is beneficial in a variety of ways. This is the quickest and first point of action when it comes to taking care of increased TSH levels. Take a glass of milk mixed with 2 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil before retiring for the day. This boosts the production of the thyroid hormone which helps reduce the many symptoms related to hypothyroidism.

3. Inclusion of Carrots and Eggs in the Diet

The thyroid gland functions properly when the quantity of vitamin A in the body is good enough. Any nutritional deficiency in that regard could affect the levels of thyroid hormones. Eggs are the best bet here since they are known to have good quantities of vitamin A. If you are a strict vegetarian, the best option for you would be to consume carrots or even pumpkins, since both consist of vitamin A. However, it is recommended to not overdo with their consumption during pregnancy and keep it in moderation.

4. Exclusion of Kale, Cabbage, and Broccoli

It might sound strange to advise a pregnant woman to keep away from green, leafy veggies, but such measures are necessary, especially in case of hypothyroidism.

Reduce the intake of cabbage, kale, and broccoli in your pregnancy diet if you have high TSH levels – these vegetables are known to reduce the degree of iodine the thyroid gland can take in. This directly affects the amount of hormones that can be generated, resulting in the inadequate functioning of the gland and leading to hypothyroidism.

5. Herbal Tea

Yes, herbal tea is a natural remedy that helps reduce TSH levels. It is well known that pregnant women are advised to keep away from caffeinated drinks, including tea, coffee, or soft drinks in general. But herbal tea – ginger tea or cinnamon tea, even – contain nutrients that support the thyroid gland, giving it the boost to function well.

6. Whole Wheat Food Items

The diet of a pregnant woman should have limited items that are made of refined wheat, such as white bread, white rice, maida rotis, etc. Instead, attention should be given to foods made of whole wheat – cereals, whole wheat bread, barley, oats, and other items that are manufactured from whole grains. These are the perfect fit in the diet of a pregnant woman with hypothyroidism since they support the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

7. Salads

Pregnant or not, salads are the healthiest food option for everyone. In the case of pregnant women with hypothyroidism, salads are even better. What the thyroid gland essentially needs is stimulants that can help it produce the thyroid hormones in the quantity necessitated by the body. By including salads that have carrot, cucumber, sprouts and similar food items, the diet starts supporting thyroid functionality and assists in normalising the hormone levels.

8. Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is a strong component in boosting a person’s health, especially that of pregnant women. Cod liver oil contains essential omega-3 fatty acids which directly build the body’s immunity and reduce any signs of inflammation. These acids are essential for people with hypothyroidism because they help in getting the thyroid gland to function properly. Cod liver oil is available in the market in the form of capsules. However, you are advised to speak with your doctor regarding the correct dosage.

Hypothyroidism in pregnant women is not unusual, but it does come with its effects on health. With multiple home remedies for thyroid during pregnancy being present, the problem can be mitigated. Getting vitamin D from early morning sunlight and having a diet that provides a balance of Vitamin B complex as well as other nutrients goes a long way in bringing down the TSH level in your body.

Published by
Aliya Khan