
8 Healthy and Refreshing Pregnancy Juices

Pregnancy is one of the most joyful moments in a woman’s life, and this is the phase where it is significant that she take care of her health, to keep the baby nourished. It is important to be mentally and physically fit, and you should know what sort of food items should be consumed, to avoid any complications. Drinking healthy fruit juices can be a great addition to your pregnancy diet and we’ve listed some of the best juices for pregnancy. Before we get to it, let us find out why drinking fruit juices in pregnancy is important.


Why Should You Drink Juice during Pregnancy?

Pregnant women should understand that they cannot eat anything or everything. In fact, there are countless restrictions. If we talk about one of the best energy sources that should be included in their regular regime, they are fresh fruit juices. Fresh fruit juices are recommended because they provide health and nutrition to the baby and mother, as well. Juices also help add a glow and shine to the face.


Juices You Should Drink During Pregnancy

Here is a list of 8 health juices that can be consumed during the pregnancy period:

1. Strawberry Juice

This is one of the best fruit juices recommended to women who are pregnant.


Strawberries are packed with antioxidants that help build immunity in the body. It is beneficial for maintaining the natural glow of the skin. Other than this, it also has folates, which are helpful in developing the baby’s immune system.

How to Make:

Rinse the strawberries under cold water and chop them well. Blend all the chopped berries till you get a smooth puree. You can add ice cubes to this, and enjoy.

2. Beetroot Juice

This is a great juice to drink during pregnancy, as it is full of vitamin A and is the best solution for mommies-to-be, who are experiencing any sort of fatigue or weakness.


This juice is helpful in boosting energy levels, and the iron content present in beetroot prevent anaemia. This juice can be added to your regular routine as a breakfast supplement.

How to Make:

Chop the beetroot into pieces and add them to the blender. Once it is blended, add some ice to it and serve instantly. This is one of the easiest juice recipes among all.

3. Pomegranate Juice

This all round juice should definitely be an addition to your pregnancy diet, due to the benefits it provides.


Pomegranate juice contains high amounts of fibre, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. This helps prevent constipation, which is common during pregnancy, and also allows your body to absorb more iron. It also keeps you hydrated and aids in the baby’s mental development.

How to Make:

Remove the pomegranate pearls and put them in a blender. Blend until crushed and strain into a glass. Enjoy with or without ice cubes.

4. Guava Juice

A good source of Vitamin C, guava juice is a great add-on during pregnancy.


It helps in keeping blood pressure and blood sugar under control. It is also helpful in anaemia reduction, while increasing the levels of haemoglobin is another perk. This juice rich in ascorbic acid or Vitamin C and helps in enhancing the immune system of a mother.

How to Make:

Boil the guava in water and let it cool. Make sure to blend the guavas well. You can add ginger or lemon juice to improve the taste. Serve it with ice cubes.

5. Carrot Juice

Known to have one of the best nutritive values of all vegetables, carrot juice several benefits in pregnancy.


Carrots are rich in calcium and help in the development of bones and teeth of the baby. It is a good source of Vitamin C, A, and beta-carotene, which act as an antioxidant and protect the mother from free radicals. Phytochemicals present in the vegetable help in promoting appropriate body functions.

How to Make:

Clean the carrots properly, cut them into small pieces, and add them to the juicer. Once the carrots are blended well, empty the juice into a jug and serve it.

6. Orange Juice

This refreshing juice is rich Vitamin C and folates. Oranges also release iron and zinc, which is important for strengthening the immune system.


According to research, orange juice helps in reducing the risk of any infant allergic diseases. It helps in the formation of new tissues and red blood cells. It also plays a role in developing the placenta in pregnant women.

How to Make:

Peel the oranges and blend them in a mixer. Strain the mixture before drinking it.

7. Lemon Juice

This is a great source of vitamin C and contains powerful antioxidants.


It is the best option for managing high blood pressure during pregnancy. It also controls bowel movement during pregnancy, and is known to cure the problem of indigestion and constipation during pregnancy.

How to Make:

This is one of the easiest pregnancy juice recipes. Just take two lemons, squeeze them into a glass, and add salt or sugar as per your liking. Your lemon juice is ready.

8. Apple Juice

Apples are full of nutrients and minerals. Apple juice is one of the best juices recommended during pregnancy by doctors.


Apple juice can keep pregnancy weight gain at bay and also aid in the development of your baby’s brain. It is also known to increase immunity and prevent sleep disorders. A good source of iron, apples can prevent anaemia during pregnancy.

How to Make:

Take two or three apples and peel off the skin. Boil the apples and let them cool down. Once they are cool, add them to the blender for around a minute. Pour the juice into a glass and add lime juice for an enhanced taste.

Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy

Some fruits must be strictly avoided during pregnancy, in any form, whether eaten whole or juiced.

1. Papaya

Papaya causes your body temperature to shoot up, resulting in complications during pregnancy, and even miscarriage.

2. Pineapple

Pinepples contain bromelain, which is an enzyme that attacks the cervical wall and causes contractions that can lead to a miscarriage.

3. Grapes

Though highly debated, grapes contain a compound called resveratol which can be toxic to pregnant women, and weaken their digestive system.

Drinking plenty of juice during pregnancy can help you stack up on those much-needed minerals and vitamins and keep you hydrated, at the same time. Remember not to go on a juice fast while you are pregnant. Healthy juices should be part of a healthy pregnancy diet for maximum benefits to you and your baby.

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