
6 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect

Thanks to active pregnancy symptoms, you must be going through mixed emotions during the 6th week of your pregnancy. You are quite new to pregnancy yet, and it’s all right to take some time to let the news sink in. But even at this stage, it is best to understand all the facts and do things right. We will help you ease into your new pregnancy status through this article.


Your Baby’s Growth during Pregnancy- Week 6

Starting this week, some critical developments start taking place in the baby. Your baby’s nose, mouth, and ears start taking shape. Your baby’s head is formed and is seen quite distinctly in the ultrasound. The heart is beating 100 to 160 times a minute, and blood has begun to circulate in your baby’s body. This week also marks the development of his intestines and the tissues that will evolve into his lungs. His brain, muscles, bones, and pituitary gland also start developing simultaneously.


What is the Baby’s Size?

Your baby is going through a significant phase of development now. All his body parts are taking shape. His heart and circulatory system are already functional. At 6 weeks pregnant the baby’s size is that of a lentil and only about ¼ inch long.

Common Bodily Changes

Bodily changes during pregnancy, especially at 6 weeks, are largely on the inside due to the fast and constant hormonal changes. You will spend a lot of your time inside the bathroom urinating as your kidneys are working more efficiently this week and pushing down the waste. Also, your growing uterus is pushing down your bladder leaving less space for storage. Just lean forward while peeing to ensure that your bladder is emptied properly in the first go.

You may also experience heartburn and indigestion as the muscle that is on the top of your stomach, which usually prevents digestive juices from passing over, relaxes.

Symptoms of Pregnancy1025261008-H at Week 6

Pregnancy symptoms are all at work together during this week. It’s not going to be easy for most, but there may be a percentage of women who may not suffer from these symptoms at all. In case you don’t experience these symptoms, there is no cause for worry, and there is nothing wrong with your pregnancy.

  • The increased blood flow can increase the pain in your breasts. At just 6 weeks, your breasts are getting ready to breastfeed your baby, and that is amazing!
  • You may just realize that morning sickness is not really ‘morning sickness’. It can happen any time of the day. Most moms feel nausea throughout the day until the end of the first trimester. They are also strongly aversive to the taste and smell of some food, especially poultry, milk, and some leafy vegetables.
  • You may feel tired all the time. Make sure to get yourself some extra sleep.
  • Your kidneys are working better than you would want them to. As a result, you may be passing urine more often than you would wish to.
  • Progesterone, a pregnancy hormone, may cause your tummy to bloat. Drink lots of water and eat food rich in fibre to avoid constipation.
  • You are cranky and moody most of the time because you are extremely tired. Give yourself enough time to recover and vent out when you must.
  • During the 6th week, if you feel cramps in your stomach, it may mean that your uterus is expanding and stretching your ligaments. But if the cramp is abnormally painful, then consult your doctor right away.
  • You may still be spotting in the 6th week, but if the flow seems heavy, visit a doctor.

Belly at 6 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby is still pea-sized and has not claimed too much space inside you. Hence, you will not be visibly pregnant yet, but prnegnacy kityour belly will expand soon.

6 Weeks Ultrasound

Your doctor may still not suggest an ultrasound at 6 weeks pregnant. But if you happen to go for one, you will realize how fast the embryo is developing into a baby. You will see an over sized head and dark spots which stand for your baby’s eyes and nose. You will see a small depression in the place where the ears are supposed to develop. The baby’s arms and legs will appear in the form of protruding buds, and if you are lucky, you may hear your baby’s heartbeat.

What to Eat?

Eating healthy throughout the pregnancy is the key to a smooth delivery. But this may be a little tricky during this week as the sight of an egg, chicken, and other protein-rich poultry food may drive you crazy and you may throw up. Here are a few tips on how to put together a healthy 6th-week pregnancy food menu.

  • Stick to palatable food and don’t try to explore too much. If you can accommodate some fruits or anything else in your diet that is healthy and palatable, then stick to it.

  • Eat early and eat small meals. Nausea may hit you when you are running on an empty stomach. Stock your nightstand with cold cereals and munchies to munch as soon as you are up in the morning.
  • Before going to bed, eat light snacks rich in carbs and protein, like cheese or a handful of freeze-dried mango. You can also include a whole grain toast with cheese and peanut butter if you like.
  • Eat often and eat as healthy as possible. The idea is to avoid heartburn.

Until the end of the first trimester, indulge in food that you like and don’t force yourself to eat anything. Your body may reject it and you may not be able to keep it inside you!

Tips & Care

Eat small but frequent meals, take plenty of rest, watch out for urinary tract infection, and avoid using hair colour. You may get touch-ups or streaks, but full hair colour is not recommended because the body may absorb chemicals if the dye touches the scalp. Here are a few more tips for week 6:


  • Knock out unpasteurized food and undercooked meat and egg from your diet to avoid bacterial contamination.
  • Find healthy, tasty, and desirable replacement to various nutrients.
  • Eat small but frequent meals.
  • Fine tune your taste buds with the help of vitamin B6, ginger capsules, nausea-reducing lozenges or lollipops, and acupressure wristbands.

  • Include some healthy and light exercises in your daily routine to build strength and endurance.
  • Get yourself a supplement or prenatal vitamin with folic acid. This prevents the chances of birth defects in the baby.
  • Drink lots and lots of water to keep yourself hydrated.


  • Avoid junk foods as they contain high amounts of fats and calories.
  • Quit smoking, drinking or using drugs as it can affect the development of the baby.
  • Cut down on caffeine. It is a diuretic, and excessive consumption has been linked to miscarriages.

  • Don’t force yourself to eat anything that you can’t stand. Nausea may exhaust you completely.
  • Don’t work too hard. Exhaustion may give rise to complications.
  • Don’t take severe cramps in the stomach lightly. Visit a doctor.

What You Need to Shop

There is not much to shop this week as you will still fit into your old clothes. A pregnancy book, a pregnancy journal to record milestones, comfortable bras, and a few stretchable pants are the only things you can shop for if you wish to.

Pregnancy can be daunting and exciting at the same time. Having all the information can lift off some worries and you can sail through it easily.

Read this article in Arabic: ستة أسابيع من الحمل

Published by
Deboshree Bhattacharjee