
35 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect

The 35th week of pregnancy is a mixed bag of emotions. Pregnant women tend to feel happy that they are almost at the end of their pregnancy. However, there is also a great amount of anxiety that is felt because of the approaching due date. The main event during this time is the baby’s gradual descent to the pelvis region as it prepares to come out to the world.


Your Baby’s Growth During Pregnancy – Week 35

Now that you’re towards the end of the third trimester, there are some finishing touches that your baby is going through such as:

  • Weight Gain

Your baby may gain several hundred grams and will continue to do so till delivery because of the layer of fat that is growing. The fat helps in regulating the temperature of the baby and providing it with energy.

  • Soft Head

The brain will be growing at a remarkable pace and the ‘soft spots’ on the baby’s head accommodate this rapid growth. Additionally, the soft head of a baby also allows for a smoother delivery as it allows your baby to move through the birth canal.

  • Kidney Function

The baby’s kidneys would have fully matured by this time.

  • Liver Function

The liver is now able to function as some of the waste products can be processed by it.

What is The Baby’s Size

When you’re 35 weeks pregnant, baby size is roughly about the size of a honeydew melon. That’s about 18 inches in length! The baby has packed on a lot of weight by now and is about 2.3 kilograms. That’s about as heavy as a 14-inch laptop being carried around in your belly!

Common Body Changes

Some of the main body changes during pregnancy at 35 weeks include:

  • Weight Gain

Most pregnant woman would have increased their weight to about 10 kilograms. The rapid increase in weight during these few weeks is because the baby is acquiring layers of fat which increases the overall weight.

  • Improved Breathing

You may have felt some difficulty breathing during the past couple of weeks as the baby would have constricted the lungs from fully expanding. However, in preparation for delivery, the baby begins to move down towards the pelvis reducing some of the lung constriction.

  • Heavy Breasts

Some mothers experience colostrum secretions during this time which would mean that the breast becomes heavier.

Symptoms of Pregnancy at Week 35

Some of the common symptoms of pregnancy at week 35 include:

  • Frequent Urination

As the pregnancy moves towards the end of the third trimester, the baby begins to move down towards the pelvis for a vaginal delivery. However, this puts pressure on the bladder and would result in the urge to urinate more frequently.

  • Pelvis Numbness

Another side effect of the baby’s descent is that it would start applying pressure against the pelvis. This pressure may be put on some of the nerves around the pelvis which would lead to a feeling of numbness in the region.

  • Digestive Issues

As the baby grows, the room in the torso reduces and begins to apply pressure on some of the internal organs in the body such as the stomach. This can cause issues such as heartburn and other forms of gastronomical distress.

  • Braxton Hicks Contractions

These are contractions of the uterus that is often confused with labour pain. While some women may not feel them, these ‘fake’ contractions can be differentiated from real contractions by the fact that they are irregular.

Belly At 35 Weeks of Pregnancy

Due to the massive weight gain during this time, the belly is large with just about anyone being able to figure out that you are pregnant. By now, the uterus would have expanded to approximately one thousand times its original size.

35 Weeks Ultra Sound

This time is crucial when it comes to tracking fetal development as the doctor can figure out if the baby has advanced to the breech position or not. If so, the doctor could take the call to go with a Cesarean section.

What to Eat

During the 35th week, pregnancy food mainly comprises of fiber rich food to help bowel movement and prevent issues such as constipation. As a rule of thumb, it is advisable to consume both soluble as well as the insoluble type of fiber for relief against constipation. Some fiber-rich foods include broccoli, pears, black beans and oatmeal.

Tips and Care

Here are some tips which will ensure you receive adequate care in this week:


  • Hiring a labour coach can help pregnant women get by as labour coaches provide a woman with physical as well as emotional support. Some studies have shown that the need for medication reduces as they are able to provide a good support structure.
  • Women who reach the 35th week of pregnancy are often anxious. Talking to people such as friends and family can help overcome the stress.
  • As there can be swelling in the leg region, one can use a few pillows or books to elevate the feet and reduce the swelling.
  • Get scanned for bacteria around the vagina to prevent causing any complications for the child.
  • Map out a route to the hospital in case you go into labour prematurely.
  • Try and start doing Kegel exercises as it helps to strengthen the pelvic muscles.


  • Take due care while sneezing or laughing as it could result in unintentional urination. This is because of the pressure that is applied to the bladder because of the baby’s descent.
  • Avoid foods that trigger heartburn like coffee, oily foods as this body is vulnerable to digestive issues during this phase of pregnancy.

What You Need To Shop For

There are a few things you will need to have at the time of your baby’s birth. The following items will come in handy during the process –

1. Diapers and Baby Wipes: Make sure to put these in your hospital bag as your baby will need them the most.

2. Feeding Bottles: Even if you are breastfeeding, you will need these. Your doctor may suggest you offer the bottle to your baby on the first couple of days so she can learn how to take your nipple. However, most babies do learn to latch on their own so this is more as a back-up option.

The 35th week of pregnancy is a time of great anticipation as the baby is on its way out. During this time, the mother to be is often vulnerable and the support of friends and family is crucial. As labour may begin at any moment, one needs to keep a watchful eye on the signs of labour such as the bloody show.

Previous Week: 34 Weeks Pregnant

Next Week: 36 Weeks Pregnant

Read this article in Arabic: الأسبوع 35 من الحمل

Published by
Deboshree Bhattacharjee