Getting Pregnant

20 Home Remedies to Increase Fertility in Men and Women

Infertility is a problem that plagues the minds and lives of many married couples. Eager to start a family of their own, the roadblock comes in the form of failure to conceive a baby. Fertility issues can exist either in the man or the woman or both, too. And the best way to combat that is to not blame either party but to find the right remedy that can boost  fertility.


What causes Infertility?

In Women

  • Blockage in the physical paths of reproduction
  • Increased levels of prolactin
  • Presence of the polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Presence of endometriosis
  • Improper nutrition
  • Higher age
  • Celiac disease

In Men

  • Imbalance of hormones in the body
  • Improper nutrition
  • Varicocele condition
  • Issues surrounding ejaculation
  • Presence of anti-sperm antibodies
  • Certain medications affecting fertility
  • Exposure to chemical and harmful environmental conditions
  • Lifestyle choices of increased alcohol consumption, smoking, drug use, etc.

Natural Remedies to Boost Fertility

Some conditions mentioned above may require medical treatment to bring back fertility. However, there are certain ayurvedic home remedies for infertility that are known to be useful. These home remedies for infertility in females are a healthy and natural alternative that do not harm the body.

1. Chaste Berry

When it comes to balancing the hormonal levels, chaste berry is a good option. It directly affects the pituitary gland and is a boon for women with increased levels of prolactin. By boiling the berries in water and drinking it after straining, it results in increased ovulation for women. It can also be found as capsules and your doctor will recommend the right amount of consumption. In cases of breast cancer, psychotic medicine, and IVF, this is generally avoided.

2. Maca Root

A single answer for treating infertility in women as well as men. Known to boost the production of hormones in the body, this root is beneficial especially for women suffering from hypothyroidism. A small teaspoon of powdered maca root with warm milk or water is the best way to consume it. It can be even used in smoothies or cereals for breakfast. Maca root is strictly forbidden once you are pregnant.

3.Winter Cherry

This is a popular herb known to help treat female fertility. It is generally recommended that the winter cherry herb should be consumed approximately a week following your period. A small teaspoon of this powdered herb, mixed with milk is an appropriate dose to start improving your fertility.

4. Helonias Root

Also known as the ‘false unicorn root’, the helonias root is acclaimed to treat various infertility related issues. By optimizing the levels of progesterone in the body and subsequently improving the overall estrogenic activity, this herb helps generate the strength that a uterus requires during the ovulation phase. This results in a supportive effect on the reproductive hormones in the body. All in all, this herb causes a restoration in the hormone levels of the woman and boosts ovulation as a result.

5. Alfalfa

Most people swear by this home remedy due to the presence of a substantial vitamin value within it. Alfalfa is known to have a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin L, and further complemented with nearly 8 digestive enzymes with a few minerals. This altogether affects the body in a multitude of ways. Alfalfa balances the hormone levels by boosting low estrogen levels as well as keeping them in check if they are high, leading it to be termed as a phytoestrogen. The best way to consume it is by adding the sprouts to various salads. Get the quantity checked by your doctor to avoid excessive consumption.

6. Dandelion

Dandelion is responsible for the stimulation of mucous membrane secretion. Known to be bitter in taste, dandelion has a generous quantity of vitamins and minerals within it. Its leaves contain diuretic properties, which help the body in getting rid of various toxins from within it. Acting as a cleansing herb, the roots of the dandelion are responsible for maintaining a hormonal balance as well as supporting the liver function and keeping it healthy.

7. Grapeseed Extract

Vitamin C is essential for potency in men. Complementing that with an extract from grapeseed is a wonderful combination that boosts male fertility. The grapeseed extract is known to contain really strong antioxidant properties. These provide the male sperms with additional strength and protection, increasing their lifespan and chances to survive until reaching the female egg and fertilizing it.

8. Royal Jelly

Obtained from the beehives, this jelly resembles a cream-like substance. It is generated by the bees of the hive for the nourishment of the bee queen. Its constitution is rich in a variety of proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, sugars, amino acids, and so on. With optimal quantities of iron and calcium present in it as well, the consumption of royal jelly sets the hormonal balance right and increases the chances of bringing fertility back.

9. Fennel With Butter

Women who are on the heavier side do face problems with infertility. Fennel is known to treat such infertile conditions, especially in heavy women. Combining some fennel powder with pure butter creates a mixture that should be consumed daily for a few months. This is a great method to boost fertility.

10. Dates

Not only are dates extremely tasty, they contain a variety of nutrients that support conception. Vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B, and multiple minerals are found in rich quantities within dates. All of these are necessary to allow a woman to conceive, as well as have a healthy pregnancy right till the end. They also help with treatment of constipation and regularizing bowel movements. Creating a paste of dates and coriander roots, boiling it with cow’s milk, and drinking this cooled mixture daily post your period is highly beneficial. General consumption of dates as a snack or through smoothies is great, too.

11. Omega 3 And DHA

Nothing can do hormone regulation as good as omega 3 fats and DHA, which is termed as docosahexaenoic acid. These are highly essential for good ovulation in women. Found in judicious quantities in salmon fish, it is, however, necessary to avoid fish with high mercury quantities, such as tuna or shark. There are supplements available in the market that increase your chances of getting pregnant and, once done, can still be beneficial in improving brain development of the foetus.

12. Ashwagandha

This is yet another popular herb known to boost fertility in women as well as men. Beyond that, ashwagandha also increases the strength of the body’s immunity system. It further goes deeper and affects the endocrine system of the body, bringing it to normalcy.

13. Raspberry Leaves

The leaves, as well as the seed oil, of the raspberry plant, are known to be extremely useful. They contain various flavonoids, tannins, and ellagic acid that have been known to improve the chances of getting pregnant. Having a slightly pleasant taste, the leaves contain great quantities of calcium that help in strengthening the uterus. Mixing dried leaves in hot water and drinking it as you’d drink a herbal tea makes it easy to consume. A couple of cups daily can help improve fertility.

14. Red Clover

Known to be an extremely nourishing herb, the red clover is extremely rich in multiple vitamins as well as a few minerals, too. It has a great quality of being responsible for the purification of blood. The presence of calcium, magnesium and other minerals assist in keeping the muscle function of the body at an optimal, and support the health of the female uterus. The red clover is also known to optimize the dryness of the vagina since its presence increases the secretion of cervical mucus.

15. Rock Salt

Sometimes, you do not need fancy and exotic herbs to treat your infertility. Rock salt is readily available in the market and has the qualities of assisting in the improvement of fertility. By soaking rock salt in water overnight, and drinking the water in the wee hours of the morning, the chances of getting pregnant improve after about 5-6 months. The water helps normalize the menstrual cycle of women, resulting in better and healthy uterus. Consuming this water may result in vomiting or diarrhoea. This is a normal reaction and should not cause you to stop from drinking or taking any medication for treating it. In some cases, reducing the amount of the rock salt water you consume can help.

16. Cinnamon

Here’s another option that is easily available and can help increase chances of pregnancy. PCOS, one of the leading causes of infertility, can be combated with by the consumption of cinnamon. It also leads to a proper functioning of the ovaries as well, by improving the menstrual cycle of PCOS riddled women. Multiple other factors affecting female fertility such as the absence of menstrual periods, fibroids in uterus, endometriosis and many others can be treated with the help of cinnamon. Furthermore, it also helps avoid yeast related infections. Consuming it with hot water daily, and including it in the diet is recommended. However, abstain from consuming more than 2 teaspoons.

17. Folic Acid

Primarily known to prevent birth-related defects in the foetus during pregnancy, this can also assist in getting pregnant in the first place. Folic acid is a key component in maintaining a fertile state since it helps maintain a proper working of processes relevant to ovulation. All it requires is taking folic acid tablets in quantities of 400 mcg for a few months before attempting to conceive. This helps you get pregnant as well as provides crucial support in the development of the unborn baby, preventing it from defects such as autism.

18. Stinging Nettle

Highly recommended in treating uterus related problems and improving fertility, the stinging nettle is a herb that directly affects the adrenal glands and helps in enhancing their functionality. It increases the chances of getting pregnant and staying pregnant by ensuring the retention of the embryo within the uterus and reducing the chances of a miscarriage. Being a great source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E, nettle tea is recommended even after delivery because it aids breast milk production and provides nutrients to the newborn baby. Consumption of a couple of cups of tea for many months helps increase the chances of getting pregnant.

19. Alum

Certain women have appropriate menstrual cycles and yet fail to attain pregnancy. In these cases, alum is known to be a good remedy for restoring fertility. Take a small piece of alum and cover it with cotton. While sleeping at night, place it inside the vagina and remove it in the morning after waking up. A white milky layer will be present on the cotton. This needs to be repeated until the white layer does not appear anymore. This is a strong sign of being able to get pregnant. Following this, you can stop using the alum piece and start trying to get pregnant.

20. Pomegranate

The good old fruit is rumoured to be a natural supplement to having a long and healthy life. Beyond that, it is known to be successful in increasing the fertility as well as the rate of growth in pregnant women. What pomegranate does is boost the flow of blood to the uterus. This directly causes the uterine lining to get thicker and stronger which, as a result, highly reduces a miscarriage from taking place. With a strong and safe uterus in place, the foetus can now develop in a healthy manner. Pomegranate should be consumed fresh, either raw or its juice, in the right quantities for a few weeks.

As scary as it might sound, infertility is simply a small roadblock on the path to attaining a good and healthy pregnancy. Certain complications in the body of the man or the woman might deem a medical intervention necessary to achieve a successful conception. Nevertheless, in most conditions for female and male infertility treatment, home remedies are ideal for helping your body achieve its optimal nature.


Published by
Aliya Khan