2 Months Old Baby Care Tips

As a first-time mom, you may find the experience of taking care of your baby overwhelming, especially when they start getting energetic and moving about, which they usually do around the two-month stage. Here are a few tips, diet suggestions , and baby care which you are sure to find helpful.


Video: 2 Months Old Baby Care Tips

7 Best Tips for Two Months Baby Care

If you are feeling worried that your baby does not do much don’t worry. Remember, they are still developing and adapting to the environment, and by the time they become two months old, the crib activity should start to pick up. Here are a few tips on how to take care of your 2 months old baby care


1. Feeding

Your baby will cry to indicate when he is hungry so make sure that you are nearby so that you can attend to him right away. Timings may vary and as your baby grows, so will his appetite. Make sure that you are stocked up on baby milk powder or if you are breast feeding, make sure that you have spare bottles of breast milk stored in your refrigerator for use later on. And remember, as your baby develops past the two month period, hewill start becoming more active, and the chances are that you may have to get up multiple times to feed your baby.

2. Crying

As your baby starts to grow, and as his nervous system starts to develop, he will also cry more. So if you were under the impression that babies generally go to sleep right after a feed, think again. As the nervous system develops , your baby’s cognitive abilities will start to improve as well. He will be able to identify you, and respond to the environment around him as well. So when he starts bawling, cuddle, sing, or gently rock until he settles down again.

3. Developmental Milestones

Here are a few developmental milestones that you may want to be on the lookout for in the second month. As your baby’s nervous system starts to kick in, he will be able to notice you and even recognise your smell as his sense begin to improve. Remember external stimuli such as loud noises are bound to be scary so make sure that that the noise level in the room is kept to a bare minimum. As his vision improves so will his interaction with everything and everyone around. Try holding out a toy to him to encourage rolling over to his tummy. At this age you can introduce your baby to a few cuddly toys and rattles.

4. Growth

One of the main things that you need to keep an eye out for is the weight and height of your baby, so check it constantly to see if he is within the healthy height and weight range.

5. Immunisations

Keeping abreast of the child’s immunisation program is essential for optimum development. Take your infant to a child specialist and make sure that he is immunised right away. The chances are that your baby will act up on being immunised, so soothe him until he calms down. Do not push off the immunisation to later but get it done right away – after all, your baby’s health is important, and naturally, you would want to do all you can to make sure that your infant is safe.

6. Sleep Patterns

Monitor your two month old baby’s sleep patterns; he should get anywhere from 9 to 12 hrs of sleep a day and anything less would result in crankiness. So make sure that your baby is comfortable after each feed, and is able to rest well.

7. Adjust to the Baby’s Routine

It is important that you follow your baby’s sleep patterns closely and take rest when the baby rests, otherwise you will have to be up dancing attendance on your baby. Use a baby monitor so that you know the exact moment your baby’s up.

Few Additional Tips

  • Make sure that all the sharp corners are rounded and your apartment is baby-proofed to avoid injury.
  • Do not place small objects near your infant, hemay put it in hismouth.
  • Do not allow animals too close your baby at this stage as they are susceptible to allergies..
  • Monitor his growth especially his reaction to external stimuli to identify any gaps and ensure early intervention of needed.
  • Make sure that he isable to stretch is legs on the floor so that he may exercise his muscles and start crawling soon.
  • Keep a record of his vaccinations; you will need this information later.
  • Do not leave your baby unsupervised, use a baby monitor.

With these tips on how to take care of 2 month old baby, you should be able to handle your baby with care and love. Just remember that taking care of a two-month-old baby is a full-time responsibility, but with guidance, you should be able to handle your little one with ease.

Published by
Deboshree Bhattacharjee