Big Kid

10 Common Parenting Issues and Their Solutions

Children are constantly learning new things as they grow up. While learning and exploring, they may encounter certain situations in their lives where you might have to step in and help them out. Such scenarios often bring a bunch of parenting challenges that need attention.


Most Common Parenting Problems and Ways to Overcome Them

Here are some common problems that parents face and ways to resolve them.


1. Lacking in Confidence

As children grow up, they start meeting other kids in school and their neighborhood. Many engage readily with other kids, but a few of them prefer being aloof and shun any kind of engagement. Some kids may lack the confidence to make friends or converse with others.


The best way to handle this situation is to observe your child. If he actively refuses to engage with other kids, you can talk to him gently about making friends or so. At no point should you force him to converse with someone or play with somebody else. At times, two shy kids may also end up becoming friends.

2. The Digital Device Addiction

All our lives revolve around devices, but kids perceive digital devices in a different way. They will literally grab phones and video game consoles and stay hooked to them for hours at end. On refusing to give him or taking the gadgets away from him, your kid might get angry, impatient, or start crying uncontrollably.


It is necessary to introduce your kids to other activities that provide them with the same excitement or fervour that gadgets do. Outdoor activities and board games are a great alternative where you can participate as well. Try and enforce specific playing times or playing hours when your child can use their gadgets.

3. Improper Eating Habits

Children often do not eat proper meals at the right time and in the right quantity. They will refrain from eating healthy vegetables and often opting for sweets and snacks stored in the house. Burgers, pizzas, and other junk foods hold their attention and your child would want to eat only those every time you step outside.


In such cases, forcing never works. Try talking to your child about the effects of continued consumption of junk foods. Show him examples of obesity and health issues. Include him in various activities of the kitchen and let him see how a nutritious meal is prepared.

4. No Mood for Studies

Every parent has had to struggle with their kid procrastinating on completing their homework or studying for an upcoming exam or simply being in touch with what has been taught. Most of the times, this is met with scolding the child or forcing him to sit and finish the chapter.


Try and talk to him about what he liked in school and inculcate a sense of curiosity and interest in that subject. If he is weak or unfocused in a particular subject, talk to him about how the knowledge can be applied with real-life examples.

5. Constant Whining and Complaining

Nearly all children whine and complain to their parents. He might cry and whine for the most infinitesimal of things. Any small incident in school or while playing with his friends or even at home might trigger him to complain and whine about it throughout.


It is important to know that the pure reason of complaining and whining is that your kid wants to know whether you are paying attention to him or not. It is best to talk with him the moment you hear him complain and offer a solution quickly. Gradually, educate him in communicating his issues the right way instead of whining all the time. Talk to him about how he himself can resolve certain problems of his own.

6. Angry and Aggressive Child

This is quite a challenging issue and might be a result of various single parenting issues as well. When your child’s actions go unchecked, he could develop into an angry child who screams and breaks things, constantly causing trouble and stress for you. This can further escalate if your neighbours or parents of other kids start complaining about his behaviour. At times, this could manifest into a bullying attitude with him beating up other kids at school or resorting to violent behaviour, breaking public property or so.


It is a very rare that your child may not have a reason for their angry behaviour. Try talking to him to find out if there are any situations in the house or outside that cause him to be stressed and react in this manner. If the situation is dire and has been continuing for a long time, it is best to get him to an anger management counsellor for professional attention.

7. Lying

Nearly all children lie one time or the other. You may even realize that your child is lying but don’t call him out on that. This results in him continuing to lie and developing it into a habit. Left unchecked, this could manifest in hiding important things from you as well.


It is important to not scold or beat your child when he lies. Let him know that you can see the lie and talk to him about why it isn’t good. Ask him to not fear you while telling the truth, even if it might be where he may have committed a mistake.

8. A Rivalry Between Siblings

Sibling fights and arguments are something every parent takes for granted. But when they get out of control, these could manifest into hatred for each other. Moreover, constant fights can cause you a lot of trouble and ruin the atmosphere of the house.


Intervene in the initial times to resolve the situation calmly and talk to them about how they could do the same as well. Let the first steps be to calm both the kids down and not blame one or the other for anything. Enforce a rule where any argument would end up as a penalty for both kids equally.

9. Disobedience

There are times when you ask your child to do something and he straight up refuses. Most parents interpret this as rudeness or being over-smart but your child is primarily trying to establish his own importance and opinion. Creating a power dynamic of your superiority over him might cause him to be aggressive.


Having an opinion is a strong sign in your child. Talk to him about why what you’re asking of him is necessary and listen to his side of why he doesn’t want to do it. Reason it out and it would mostly work. Being calm will cause them to rethink what they’ve said. If it starts getting rude, be firm and strict about it right away.

10. Consistent Tantrums

This is different from whining or complaining. When your child throws a tantrum, he will just start crying and not convey the reason behind it. He won’t listen to you or want to calm down and just create absolute chaos.


This is majorly a power dynamic at play and it is important to not lose your cool. Tell your child that you are ready to listen to him once he stops crying. Until then, continue with your own activities. Once he sees that his tantrum has no effect on you, he will stop and talk to you about what he really wants.

Taking care of a child as he grows up is certainly a herculean task. The various parent-child relationship problems one faces during this journey can be difficult. Realizing that children are trying their best to cope up as well, is the key to being understanding, calm, and caring in helping take care of their problems.

Published by
Aliya Khan