Big Kid

10 Amazing Extracurricular Activities for Kids

Despite the long day at school, your child is not going to be satisfied if that is all she has to stimulate her throughout the day. Here is where extracurricular activities come into play. After a snack and some rest, your child will benefit greatly from a non-academic activity that she has an interest in. She can choose something like sports, chess clubs, dance clubs, book clubs, music clubs, and so on. Your child is bound to find something she likes!


Importance of Extracurricular Activities for Children

Academic activities are often not aimed at all-round development, and this is why every child needs to be involved in one extracurricular activity. Kids often also learn other important life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving skills and other things they will need to grow up into well-balanced adults.


Schools have made attempts to make such environments for children, and so there are different options for your child to choose from, such as school bands, dance teams, and sports teams. They can even join the school paper team and hone their skill in writing. It is most often during extracurricular activities that children find others their ages that have common interests and lifelong friendships are forged.

10 Best Extracurricular Activities Your Child Should Try

Every child has a different personality, and those personalities need to be nurtured in a positive way. When children do not have anything constructive to do, they tend to make mischief, which is something that can be avoided with proper guidance. Here we have a list of extracurricular activities for kids and what your child can learn from them to help you make your decision.

1. Music

Some children learn to play instruments, while others prefer to sing. There are some who are good at doing both. There are so many instruments to choose from that you are bound to find something that fits your child and that she will enjoy.

What Your Child Will Learn

There is a certain freedom in music, and a lot of children find joy in it because of this reason. Not just that, children also tend to learn a lot about history and culture while learning something like playing a musical instrument or singing, especially if it is in the classical genre.

2. Dance

Even among dance, there are so many types to choose from that your child is sure to find the perfect fit. She may prefer classical folk dances, or she may want to learn the more contemporary styles like hip-hop or lyrical dance styles.

What Your Child Will Learn

This is another activity that teaches children about culture if they opt for the more classical genres of dance. Dance is something that will help your child develop physically and mentally, as most forms of dance require discipline and endurance.

3. Sports

Sports such as football, basketball, cricket and softball require teamwork and a lot of energy, but if this type of sport doesn’t sound like it suits your child, there are other options like tennis, badminton and golf that your child can try.

What Your Child Will Learn

In sports like basketball and football, children learn how to work well in a team, how to strategise, and also build endurance. Every sport has something good to offer your child, whether they are played in teams or individually. Sports are great for competitive children.

4. Painting and Sketching

Perhaps your child is a blossoming artist. Playing with colours is a lot of fun and creating different works of art may be something your child would prefer over more boisterous activities.

What Your Child Will Learn

Your child will improve her creative skills, as her brain will begin to develop the areas associated with creativity the more she is exposed to and works with creative things. Painting and drawing can also help develop problem-solving skills.

5. Crafts, Pottery and Sculpting

Working with clay and creating something with their hands can give children a sense of satisfaction that is not found through just any activity. Clay can have a therapeutic effect and is capable of keeping your child occupied for hours.

What Your Child Will Learn

Your child is going to develop her sensory and motor skills through creative works. Children learn about shapes, the three-dimensional world and patience to see a good end result.

6. Martial Arts

Though the varied styles of mixed martial arts like judo, Tae Kwan Do, karate and others may make one think of violence, what these really teach is discipline and how to control your strength, rather than wielding it for violence.

What Your Child Will Learn

Martial Arts teach self-control and self-discipline, aspects which will benefit those children suffering from ADHD, as these are the very skills that are underdeveloped in them. They also help in improving socialisation skills and physical development in your child.

7. Sewing Classes

Sewing may not be something that crosses many people’s minds for an extracurricular activity, but it is a skill that is very handy indeed. Many children grow up with a passion for fashion, and this may be a very handy first step for them for their future.

What Your Child Will Learn

Children will develop their creative abilities and also build their self-esteem. Sewing is as creative a field as painting or sculpting, and it is to be noted that it can be very educational for those children who want to be future designers.

8. Book Club

Book clubs are a great way for little bookworms to have their fun and socialise with other book lovers.

What Your Child Will Learn

Many things can be gained from a book club. Not only will the literature itself teach your child a lot about the world, the way it works and so much more, but it will also help them to develop their reading skills and vocabulary, which will have a tremendous impact on their writing skills.

9. Cooking Class

Cooking classes are great for children as they are not only an essential skill but another area where they can express their creativity.

What Your Child Will Learn

There are quite a few benefits to this, as cooking food is something that will help children develop focus, creativity and also teach them useful skills like how to handle sharp knives. It also teaches them about different ingredients and how to prepare healthy and balanced meals, all with the company of others their age.

10. Drama Club

Your little drama kings and queens will love this one as it is a fun and productive way to use up their dramatic energies.

What Your Child Will Learn

Drama club helps your child develop physical, artistic, social and public speaking skills. It also helps to improve a child’s memory and improvisation skills. Often, shy children who have a talent for acting become more confident and social through drama club.

11. Chess Club

A great extra-curricular activity for kids, once your child gets a hang of chess, there’s no going back. Many schools have chess clubs and there may even be chess clubs in your locality. If not, teach your child and her friends the game, and they can practice among themselves. You’ll often see her practice and play chess in her free time.

What Your Child Will Learn

Children learn strategy, patience, and timing by playing this game. Chess will also hone her skill in deduction, as she tries to deduce her opponent’s strategy and beat it.

12. Learning a Language

As a person becomes older, the more difficult it becomes to grasp a new language. Children’s brains are still developing, which is the perfect opportunity to introduce them to foreign languages. Sign your child up for weekend or evening language classes, which can even help kick-start a career in translation or interpretation.

What Your Child Will Learn

Learning a new language always proves useful. Children are exposed to new cultures and it is easier for them to pick up the language better than adults. A new language will broaden your child’s mind.

How to Choose After-School or Extra-Curricular Activities for Your Child

There are many options for after-school activities for kids. Talk to your child about her interests and see what she may like. High energy children may prefer sports or dance, while children who are low key tend to prefer calmer activities like book clubs, cooking class or perhaps pottery.

When you have a general idea of what your child wants, you can do some research to see who provides these classes in your area and then take the time to visit the place with your child while a class is in session and see if she finds it to be a stimulating and comfortable environment.

Here are a few things to look out for:

  • A space that is clean and big enough to accommodate all the kids.
  • Proper facilities like proper ventilation if there is a painting class going on, as the fumes from the turpentine can be harmful; or enough sewing machines in a sewing class.
  • The staff should be friendly and enthusiastic. It is always best to send them to someone who is properly certified.
  • See if the children who are in the class are happy and look like they are not just having fun but learning something.

While education is important, all work and no play is no way for a child to stay. Children’s extracurricular activities provide a way for them to drain some energy while also being educational and beneficial to their development. The place that you choose to send your child to is very important, as you should never send them anywhere they may be exposed to anything that may damage their creativity instead of nurture it.

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